Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Hardship of Haiti Essay - 1755 Words

Haiti is a beautiful Caribbean country that has had more than its fair share of hardship. A culture of strength and perseverance is evident from the moment one arrives and it only feels stronger the further one travels from Port au Prince. The people are of African descent, with a strong French influence creating a uniquely mixed culture that is rare in the western hemisphere. The business climate is such that there are very few foreign businesses or joint ventures in Haiti and although there are many historic reasons for that, there now sits immense opportunity. First-mover advantage is only an advantage if the first-mover is successful. A firm in the initial stages of market research into Haiti will be drawn to the dream of†¦show more content†¦Safety and security is a big risk in most underdeveloped nations, and Haiti is riskier than most. Finally, the provision of broad based orientation to this new market as it applies directly to business operations in this new market. History Understanding Haiti’s past will grant an ideal window into the cultural soul of this nation and may aid in a deeper realization of why many things appear as they do in this country. Cultural intelligence is defined as â€Å"an individuals capability to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse setting† (Ahn Ettner, 2013). This is a highly sought after skill in the interconnected world of globalization where this individual appears to hold a â€Å"seemingly natural ability to interpret someones unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures in just the way that persons compatriots and colleagues would† (Ahn Ettner, 2013). Having an individual with these skills in a firm would reduce the likelihood of communicating a cultural faux pas that would inadvertently hinder business relations. Gaining knowledge will greatly contribute to the competitive advantage of a firm. To understand Haiti, one must start in 1492, when the Island of Hispaniola was first discovere d by Christopher Columbus (Central, n.d.). In the initial 25 years of Spanish control of the island the Spanish settlers killed off almost all of the indigenous people who had originally occupied the island (Central, n.d.). â€Å"In 1697, Spain ceded toShow MoreRelatedLife Is A Of Life1333 Words   |  6 Pagessomewhere in the world. It just all depends on how you were brought into this world. For some people, life is full of stress and hardships. That’s how life was for someone very dear to me Kimberly Domonique. She had it difficult from the start however, she chose not to let life get her down. When life gave her lemons, she made lemonade. Kimberly is from the island of Haiti, she moved to the states at the age of ten years old. 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Haiti soon became one of France’s most prosperous colonies in the America’s, and it also became one of the world’s leading chief coffee and sugar producers. Around the 18th century settlement began to expand here, and Haiti was settled by Creoles, slaves, Frenchmen, and freed blacks. Around this time, the Haitian society was undergoing some tough timesRead MoreEssay Haiti Corrupt Government1589 Words   |  7 PagesThe Haitian government has been plagued with corruption from the beginning of its existence. Haiti has been faced with many foul leaders and thus brought times of despair for the Haitian people. The empowerment of poor leadership has led to a country that has never known a period free of tyranny, repression, political conflict, racial animosity, and economic hardship (Haggerty). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

You’Re a Contract Painkiller Free Essays

In You Are a Contract Painkiller (1997, p. 111), author Maureen Littlejohn makes extensive use of personification to describe the functioning of Aspirin in our body, its various properties to fight pain, and its evolution over the years. Littlejohn describes how Aspirin claimed celebrity status as one of the world’s most popular, inexpensive painkillers by relieving headaches, sprains, blows, burns, swelling and fever. We will write a custom essay sample on You’Re a Contract Painkiller or any similar topic only for you Order Now Furthermore, she added that Aspirin could also be used to reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. The author supports the main idea by describing how the aspirin when taken with a modest stream of water or ginger ale, passed to the stomach through the esophagus and undergoes a series of chain reactions to disable the enzyme that converts the acid in cell membranes into prostaglandins (responsible for the pain). In a similar fashion it also helps bring fever down. Moreover, the author gives a brief history about the evolution of the modern day Aspirin from almost a thousand years ago when Hippocrates first discovered the property of willow leaves to help relieve pain. The author concludes the essay by highlighting the useful properties of Aspirin and the various ailments it provides relief from. â€Å"You have achieved renown by destroying headaches but you are equally effective in countering sprains, burns, or blows. † (You Are a Contract Painkiller, 1997, p. 112). According to me, this sentence sets the tone for the entire essay. It describes the purpose of using Aspirin and the different ailments that it provides relief from. It basically highlights why and about what the essay is written. It furthermore, sets the stage to write details about the composition and mechanism of Aspirin and also the various ways by which it has meliorated our lives by relieving pain. It puts the entire essay in perspective. â€Å"In the 1800s, two Italian chemists confirmed that willow bark contains one of your main ingredients, the antipyretic (fever-reducing) salicin. A Swiss pharmacist then found that meadowsweet, a shrub in the spirea family, has ever more of the magic substance than willow bark. In 1893, Felix Hoffmann at the Bayer AG Chemical Works in Germany purified and stabilized you, and that’s when your first claimed celebrity status as one of the world’s most popular, inexpensive pain relievers. † (You Are a Contract Painkiller, 1997, p. 111). The reason I chose this quote is because, it provides a lot of credibility to the essay, by describing how the Aspirin has evolved and also, it gives a perfect example why Aspirin has become so popular all over the world. By describing its formation and development, it gives an overview about what makes Aspirin what it is today. The main idea of this essay revolves around the painkiller called Aspirin. The purpose of this essay is to describe the remarkable properties of Aspirin, to help relieve from different types of pain, and how Aspirin has formed and the mechanism by which it provides instant relief from the pain. This essay is written for a general audience, to educate them about the useful benefits of aspirin followed by providing detailed information about how an aspirin works to provide relief. This would help people to better understand the pros and cons of aspirin and erase any misconceptions. I really like the way how Littlejohn has written the essay. By using personification method, she has depicted the various aspects of Aspirin in an interesting way rather than just quoting some scientific facts about it. By this, it has really help understand the overall functioning and mechanism of an aspirin in an uncomplicated way. How to cite You’Re a Contract Painkiller, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Explosion Essay Example For Students

The Explosion Essay As I arrived in the plane, I looked out of the window with great anticipation. I saw the volcano it was colossal, I could feel the blistering heat coming from the volcano, even though I was still in the plane. And there was lava squirting out of the summit like nothing I have ever seen before. Mauna Loa is renowned for its unpredictability, and it was practically unstable now. It was like an egg being boiled until it finally cracked, but in this case it would not be the soft yellow centre squirting out, it would be a vast flow of molten lava oozing out, with rocks soaring into the sky like a space shuttle departing for space. This was the first time I had been to Hawaii. I was told by a geologist that it was the most unpredictable volcanic island in the world. I felt my whole body shiver as I was told this, but I knew it would be the greatest experience of my life. Nothing in the natural world could ever beat Mauna Loa for its shear size or beauty; I could smell my adrenalin pumping around my body like a swarm of bees. We landed a few miles away from the volcano, named Mauna Loa. Richard and I departed the plane and collected our luggage which had already been unloaded on to a trailer. It was a typical American trailer, with all the grunt and power you would ever need. The Americans always have to be bigger and better. Richard was a good friend of mine; we had studied in the same university. We had decided to come and visit Hawaii so everything we had done over the four years in university studying volcanic activity would make sense and with out doubt make things a lot clearer. It would also be great experience. Richard was well spoken and a typical graduate of Oxford, you could tell he came from a good background. He was very plump in stature and he had a stomach that was if he had been fattened to be sold in the cattle market. But never the less he was a great chap to be with, especially after a few pints. Richard incised that he drove, he was always one for his big toys. He once told me that he had a tractor for his 12th birthday, I found this incredible, as my parents would never have been able to afford such a luxury for me to prance about it in. On our drive to the offices I was very worried as we had very expensive volcanic analysing equipment, and Richards driving was hazardous, he had already lost a few points back in Britain.